Coming Visitors and Research Stays:

october 2024

01aprallday31marJinhyoung LeeSungkyunkwan University (SKKU)(All Day) KST

01sepallday31augYou-Shin NoKonkuk University(All Day) KST


Past Visitors and Research Stays:

september 2024

12sepalldayPham Thi HueUniversity of Ulsan(All Day: thursday) KST

06sepalldayLewis AntillUniversity of Oxford(All Day: friday) KST

05sepalldayDenis JankovicIPCMS (University of Strasbourg/CNRS)(All Day: thursday) KST

01sepallday31augYou-Shin NoKonkuk University(All Day) KST

28augallday13sepMario RubenKarlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)(All Day) KST

01augallday16octNikita KomarovUNSW Sydney(All Day) KST

22julallday18octYasuo YoshidaKanazawa University(All Day) KST

22julallday18octMasahiro HazeThe Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo(All Day) KST

04junallday06sepLily WattThe University of British Columbia(All Day) KST

01aprallday31marJinhyoung LeeSungkyunkwan University (SKKU)(All Day) KST

august 2024

28augalldayMasahiro YamashitaTohoku University(All Day: wednesday) KST

20augalldaySungkun HongUniversity of Stuttgart(All Day: tuesday) KST

19augallday20Muskan SandeSungkyunkwan University(All Day) KST

05augallday06Johannes BarthTUM School of Natural Sciences(All Day) KST

22julallday24augHiroki MaekawaKanazawa University(All Day) KST

july 2024

05julalldayJu Young KimDelegation of the European Union to the Republic of Korea & European Commission(All Day: friday) KST

05julalldayAnett SchwarzEmbassy of the Federal Republic of Germany Seoul(All Day: friday) KST

05julalldayAlessandra ApicellaHead of Science and Technology Office in the Embassy of Switzerland(All Day: friday) KST

03junallday02julSimeon BodeUniversity of Göttingen(All Day) KST

june 2024

26junalldaySergey UchaikinIBS Center for Axion and Precision Physics Research(All Day: wednesday) KST

24junalldaySven RoggeUniversity of New South Wales(All Day: monday) KST

17junallday23Talal MallahUniversité Paris-Saclay(All Day) KST

13junalldayUngdon HamKorea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS)(All Day: thursday) KST

13junalldayIn-Ho LeeKorea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS)(All Day: thursday) KST

10junalldayMichael FlattéThe University of Iowa(All Day: monday) KST

10junalldayGiulia GalliThe University of Chicago(All Day: monday) KST

07junalldayAndrew ClelandThe University of Chicago(All Day: friday) KST

may 2024

24mayalldayCentre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS)Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS)(All Day: friday) KST

21mayalldayChristian SchönenbergerUniversität Basel(All Day: tuesday) KST

07mayallday08Markus AspelmeyerUniversity of Vienna(All Day) KST

april 2024

30apralldayJoong Il ChoiCenter for Nanomaterials and Chemical Reactions, IBS(All Day: tuesday) KST

17aprallday18Stefan TautzForschungszentrum Jülich(All Day) KST

17apralldayJe-Geun ParkSeoul National University(All Day: wednesday) KST

11apralldayWangkook Kim & Engineering TeamGwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST)(All Day: thursday) KST

11apralldayJina Hwang & groupSungshin Women’s University(All Day: thursday) KST

02apralldaySébastien CodinaEmbassy of France(All Day: tuesday) KST

19feballday12aprHalis YarimTechnische Universität Berlin(All Day) KST

march 2024

07marallday08Takashi KumagaiInstitute for Molecular Science (Japan)(All Day) KST

february 2024

29feballdayMyungchul OhPOSTECH (Pohang University of Science and Technology)(All Day: thursday) KST

21feballday22Jinwon LeeDelft University of Technology (TU Delft)(All Day) KST

01feballdayLuke OtienoKyungpook National University(All Day: thursday) KST

january 2024

24janallday28Christian R. AstMax Planck Institute for Solid State Research(All Day) KST

24janallday27Berthold JäckHong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)(All Day) KST

21janallday29Magdalena GrzeszczykNational University of Singapore(All Day) KST

11janalldayKyoung-Whan KimKorea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST)(All Day: thursday) KST

08janallday13Harald BruneEcole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland(All Day) KST

01janallday29Hoang Anh LeKorea University(All Day) KST

19novallday21janDeung-Jang (DJ) ChoiMaterials Physics Center (CFM-CSIC/UPV), San Sebastián, Spain.(All Day) KST

december 2023

03decallday06Yukio HasegawaThe Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo(All Day) KST

26novallday01decPaul ThomasUNSW Sydney(All Day) KST

06novallday31decPierre JosseUniversity of Angers(All Day) KST

01novallday31decYining HuFudan University, Shanghai(All Day) KST

02augallday10decWenchao ZhaoTechnische Universität München (TUM)(All Day) KST

november 2023

17novalldayGabriel AeppliETHZ, EPFL, PSI (Switzerland)(All Day: friday) KST

02novallday30Karl-Heinz ErnstEmpa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology(All Day) KST

02novalldayYou-Shin NoKonkuk University, Seoul(All Day: thursday) KST

08octallday12novTaner EsatForschungszentrum Jülich, Peter Grünberg Institute(All Day) KST

31augallday12novAndrés Pinar SoléInstitute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (FZU)(All Day) KST

october 2023

26octalldayUwe R. FischerSeoul National University(All Day: thursday) KST

22octallday31Lucas SchneiderUniversity of California, Berkeley(All Day) KST

10octallday18Lisanne SelliesUniversität Regensburg(All Day) KST

10octallday13Junho SuhPohang University of Science and Technology(All Day) KST

10octallday13Ania Bleszynski JayichUniversity of California, Santa Barbara(All Day) KST

09octallday19Nicolaj BetzLoth Group, University of Stuttgart(All Day) KST

09octallday15Guido BurkardUniversität Konstanz, Germany(All Day) KST

09octallday12Seigo TaruchaRIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science(All Day) KST

09octallday13Yasuo YoshidaKanazawa University(All Day) KST

09octallday13Erlina Tik ManKanazawa University(All Day) KST

09octallday13Ying JiangPeking University(All Day) KST

09octallday13Harry Laurence AndersonUniversity of Oxford UK(All Day) KST

08octallday12Andrea MorelloUniversity of New South Wales(All Day) KST

08octallday14Roberta SessoliUniversità degli Studi di Firenze(All Day) KST

08octallday14Mark HoggUniversity of Basel(All Day) KST

08octallday14Danna FreedmanMassachusetts Institute of Technology(All Day) KST

08octallday12Rupert HuberUniversity of Regensburg (UR), Germany(All Day) KST

06octalldayChi ChenAcademia Sinica, Taiwan(All Day: friday) KST

18sepallday14octSufyan ShehadaForschungszentrum Jülich and RWTH Aachen University(All Day) KST

01sepallday14octWolf-Dieter SchneiderEcole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland(All Day) KST

07augallday28octSvenja NerreterUniversity of Regensburg, Germany(All Day) KST

september 2023

23sepallday28Hans-Joachim FreundFritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society(All Day) KST

23sepallday28Don EiglerIBM Almaden Research Center (Retired)(All Day) KST

04sepallday05Rudolf HaindlMax Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences(All Day) KST

04sepallday05John H. GaidaMax Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences(All Day) KST

18augallday14sepJan MartinekInstitute of Molecular Physics (Poland)(All Day) KST

18augallday02sepArzhang ArdavanUniversity of Oxford(All Day) KST

august 2023

26augallday27Alessandro ToschiInstitute of Solid State Physics (Technische Universität Wien)(All Day) KST

26augallday27Giorgio SangiovanniUniversity of Würzburg(All Day) KST

25augallday26Pascal RuffieuxSwiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology(All Day) KST

18augalldayAndreas OsterwalderEcole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL)(All Day: friday) KST

17aug2:00 pm8:00 pmYousoo KimThe University of Tokyo2:00 pm - 8:00 pm KST

15augallday19Wilson HoUniversity of California Irvine(All Day) (KST) Center for Quantum Nanoscience

10augallday14Alec WodtkeMax Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences(All Day) KST

07aug11:00 am12:00 pmClaudiu GenesMax Planck Institute for the Science of Light11:00 am - 12:00 pm KST

25julallday31augNicolas LorenteMaterials Physics Center (CFM-CSIC/UPV), San Sebastián, Spain.(All Day) KST

22mayallday22augAngéline LafleurUniversity of Ottawa(All Day) KST

july 2023

21julalldayDaniël StuartEindhoven University of Technology (Netherlands)(All Day: friday) KST

20julalldayDuck-Ho KimKorea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST)(All Day: thursday) KST

14julalldayHayley WallenNature Reviews Methods Primers, Springer Nature(All Day: friday) KST

14julalldayWoo-Joong KimSeattle University(All Day: friday) KST

08junallday13julMarco WeissUniversity of Regensburg, Germany(All Day) KST

15mayallday01julJiwon ChoiNational University of Singapore (NUS)(All Day) KST

07mayallday30julRik BroekhovenDelft University of Technology(All Day) KST

june 2023

22junalldaySungkyun ChoiCenter for Integrated Nanostructure Physics IBS, SungKyunKwan University(All Day: thursday) KST

may 2023

20feballday09mayFranziska RüttgerUniversity of Göttingen(All Day) KST

01feballday31mayGeorg TraegerUniversity of Gottingen(All Day) KST

10janallday06mayMireia Tena ZuazolacigorragaCentro de Fisica de Materiales(All Day) KST

08janallday01mayDeung Jang ChoiCentro de Fisica de Materiales(All Day) KST

april 2023

18aprallday27Sebastian LothUniversity of Stuttgart(All Day) KST

18aprallday25Kirsten von BergmannUniversität Hamburg(All Day) KST

18aprallday25Matthias BodeUniversity of Würzburg(All Day) KST

17apralldayKatja BeckerDFG, German Research Foundation(All Day: monday) KST

14apralldayMaki KawaiInstitute for Molecular Science, National Institutes of Natural Sciences (NINS) (All Day: friday) KST

09aprallday15Laëtitia FarinacciFreie Universität Berlin(All Day) KST

15novallday30aprMichele CapraPolitecnico di Milano(All Day) KST

march 2023

31mar2:00 pm3:30 pmMaria SpethmannUniversity of Basel2:00 pm - 3:30 pm KST

08janallday11marNicolas LorenteCentro de Fisica de Materiales(All Day) KST

february 2023

09feb10:00 am11:30 amDaniel Kyungdeock ParkYonsei University10:00 am - 11:30 am KST

02feb1:30 pm3:00 pmJoseph A StroscioNational Institute of Standards and Technology1:30 pm - 3:00 pm KST

01feballday28Eric SwitzerUniversity of Central Florida(All Day) KST

december 2022

14dec1:30 pm3:00 pmClément CabanetosUniversity of Angers1:30 pm - 3:00 pm KST

05decallday10Alexina OllierUniversity of Basel(All Day) KST

04decallday06Pavel JelinekInstitute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (FZU)(All Day) KST

november 2022

16novallday22Vibhuti Narayan RaiKarlsruhe Institute of Technology(All Day) KST

01nov3:00 pm4:00 pmHan-woong YeomCALDES, IBS & POSTECH3:00 pm - 4:00 pm KST

01novallday30Leonard EdensCIC nanoGUNE(All Day) KST

23octallday19novWolf-Dieter SchneiderEcole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland(All Day) KST

october 2022

17oct5:00 pm6:00 pmColloquium: Jeremy LevyUniversity of Pittsburgh5:00 pm - 6:00 pm (KST) Center for Quantum Nanoscience

15octallday22Jeremy LevyUniversity of Pittsburgh(All Day) (KST) Center for Quantum Nanoscience

04octallday15Ashley Jiwon ShinUniversity of California, Los Angeles, USA(All Day) KST

september 2022

26sepalldayAdam KollinRHK Technology, Inc.(All Day: monday) KST

august 2022

18aug4:00 pm5:00 pmJingcheng LiSun Yat-sen University4:00 pm - 5:00 pm KST

16augalldayYoungchan KimUniversity of Surrey(All Day: tuesday) KST

15augallday16Yousoo KimUniversity of Tokyo(All Day) KST

23julallday12augJens WiebeUniversity of Hamburg, Germany(All Day) KST

july 2022

20julallday21Arzhang ArdavanUniversity of Oxford(All Day) KST

07julalldayEvent CancelledPaul WeissUniversity of California, Los Angeles, USA(All Day: thursday) KST

28junallday02julMario RubenKIT Karlsruhe, Germany(All Day) KST

28junallday02julDaniel LossUniversity of Basel, Switzerland(All Day) KST

28junallday01julValeria SheinaUniversity Paris-Saclay, France(All Day) KST

june 2022

14junallday18Franz Josef GiessiblUniversity of Regensburg, Germany(All Day) KST

02junallday24William KollOhio State University, USA(All Day) KST

may 2022

27may10:15 am11:15 amHosung SeoAjou University10:15 am - 11:15 am KST Jupiter Meeting Room

15marallday10mayRyo KawaguchiTohoku University, Sendai, Japan(All Day) KST

22sepallday07mayRobbie ElbertseDelft University of Technology, the Netherlands(All Day) KST

april 2022

16marallday15aprFerdous AraTohoku University, Sendai, Japan(All Day) KST

february 2022

20novallday13febDeung-Jang ChoiCSIC, Spain(All Day) KST

20novallday13febNicolas LorenteCSIC and DIPC, Spain(All Day) KST

13novallday24febCristina Mier GonzalezCSIC-UPV/EHU, Spain(All Day) KST

september 2021

03sepalldayMasahiro HazeThe Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo(All Day: friday) KST

may 2021

19aprallday21mayMingee ChungSchool of Physics and Astronomy, the University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK(All Day) KST

march 2021

13marallday22Iyyappa Rajan PaneerAsia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics(All Day) KST

december 2020

21sepallday31decMasahiro HazeInstitute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo(All Day) KST

september 2020

01mayallday30sepDeung-Jang ChoiCentro De Fisica De Materiales, Spain(All Day) KST

august 2020

15julallday31augNicolas LorenteCentro De Fisica De Materiales, Spain(All Day) KST

july 2020

01feballday31julHervé AubinDepartment of Nanoelectronics, CNRS, France(All Day)

february 2020

24feballday28Delegation from Forschungszentrum JülichQuantum Nanoscience Division, Peter Grünberg Institut, Forschungszentrum Jülich(All Day) KST

12feballday13Ali YazdaniPrinceton University, USA(All Day)

09feballday22Markus TernesResearch Center Jülich, Germany(All Day)

january 2020

20jan12:30 pm3:30 pmDelegation of EU Science CounselorsEmbassy of Switzerland in the Republic of Korea12:30 pm - 3:30 pm

19janallday23Koen BastiaansLeiden University, Netherlands(All Day)

december 2019

13dec10:00 am11:00 amKrisztián PalotásWigner Research Center for Physics10:00 am - 11:00 am KST Saturn Seminar Room

09dec2:00 pm3:30 pmThomas RisseInstitute of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Freie Universität Berlin2:00 pm - 3:30 pm KST Saturn Seminar Room

09decallday20Jacob RepickyThe Ohio State University(All Day) KST Saturn Seminar Room

november 2019

21nov2:00 pm3:00 pmQing HuanInstitute of Physics, CAS2:00 pm - 3:00 pm KST Saturn Seminar Room

13nov11:00 am12:00 pmDoohee ChoDepartment of Physics, Yonsei University11:00 am - 12:00 pm KST Saturn Seminar Room

11novallday15Christian AstMax-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research, Germany(All Day) KST Saturn Seminar Room

october 2019

29oct10:00 am11:30 amYu WangTohoku University, Sendai, Japan10:00 am - 11:30 am KST Saturn Seminar Room

04oct11:00 am12:00 pmTyler CockerMichigan State University, USA11:00 am - 12:00 pm KST Saturn Seminar Room

23sepallday11octStefano AgrestiniALBA Synchrotron Light Source(All Day) KST

september 2019

25sep(sep 25)9:00 am27(sep 27)6:00 pmIBS Conference Invited SpeakersCenter for Quantum Nanoscience at Ewha Womans University in Seoul, South Korea9:00 am - 6:00 pm (27) KST Lee SamBong Hall, ECC

01sepallday30Deung-Jang ChoiCentro de Física de Materiales (CSIC-UPV/EHU)(All Day) KST

31augallday02sepWolf-Dieter SchneiderÉcole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne(All Day)

12augallday19sepKatharina J. FrankeFreie Universität Berlin(All Day) KST

august 2019

12aug2:00 pm3:00 pmHerve AubinCNRS - University Paris-Saclay2:00 pm - 3:00 pm KST

09aug11:00 am12:00 pmRomain StompZurich Instruments AG11:00 am - 12:00 pm KST

july 2019

04jul1:00 pm2:00 pmSungmin KimNational Institute of Standards and Technology, MD, United States1:00 pm - 2:00 pm KST

01jul1:00 pm2:00 pmKyung Soo ChoiInstitute for Quantum Computing/University of Waterloo & the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics1:00 pm - 2:00 pm KST

june 2019

14jun1:00 pm2:00 pmQing HuanInstitute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences1:00 pm - 2:00 pm KST

12jun1:00 pm2:00 pmEster NijrolderRadboud University Nijmegen1:00 pm - 2:00 pm KST

05jun11:00 am12:00 pmKarina MorgensternRuhr-Universität Bochum11:00 am - 12:00 pm KST

04jun4:00 pm5:00 pmKarsten ReuterTechnische Universität München4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

may 2019

27may(may 27)6:00 am30(may 30)9:00 pmTheory Workshop Invited SpeakersCenter for Quantum Nanoscience at Ewha Womans University in Seoul, South Korea6:00 am - 9:00 pm (30) KST ECC Building, Ewha Womans University

april 2019

15apr1:30 pm2:30 pmSee-Hun YangIBM Research – Almaden1:30 pm - 2:30 pm KST

march 2019

13mar11:00 am12:00 amTony LowDepartment of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, US11:00 am - 12:00 am KST

february 2019

26feballday27Sebastian LothInstitute for Functional Matter and Quantum Technologies, University of Stuttgart, Germany(All Day) KST

15feb2:00 pm3:00 pmYing JiangInternational Center for Quantum Materials, School of Physics, Peking University2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

11feb11:00 am12:00 amShaoxiang ShengUniversity of Stuttgart, Germany11:00 am - 12:00 am KST

january 2019

09jan2:00 pm3:00 pmSang-Yun LeeCenter for Quantum Information, KIST2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

07jan2:00 pm3:00 pmSoo Min KimInstitute of Advanced Composite Materials, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST)2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

december 2018

11dec3:30 pm4:30 pmMahn-soo ChoiKorea University3:30 pm - 4:30 pm

01octallday31decMartin WenderothUniversität Göttingen(All Day)

november 2018

05nov3:00 pm4:00 pmShadi FatayerIBM Research3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

05nov2:00 pm3:00 pmLeo GrossIBM Research2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

august 2018

09aug4:00 pm6:00 pmDr. Harald BruneRealization of Single Atom Magnets through 2D Decoupling Layers4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

06aug11:00 am1:00 pmDr. Alexey A. PopovFullerene-based single-molecule magnets: bulk and surface magnetism11:00 am - 1:00 pm

july 2018

20junallday20julKyunghwa ParkVirginia Tech(All Day)

june 2018

11jun1:00 pm3:00 pmDr. Berthold Jaeck, Princeton UniversitySearch for Majorana Zero Modes in the Hinge States of Bismuth1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

08junalldayDr. Luis Hueso, CIC NanoGUENE FranceNanosciences, Group Leader, CIC Nanoguene, France(All Day: friday)

06jun3:30 pm5:30 pmDr. Nistor Cornelius, ETH ZurichMagnetic Properties of Single Atoms, Single Molecules, and Ultrathin Heterostructures with Perpendicular Anisotropy Measured by STM, X-ray Absorption, Spectroscopy, and Magneto-optical Microscopy3:30 pm - 5:30 pm

05junalldayEmbassy of Switzerland, Office of Science and TechnologySwiss Embassy, Office of Science and Technology(All Day: tuesday)

30mayallday02junEvon TamCentre for Quantum Technologies, NUS, Singapore (All Day)

may 2018

30mayalldayDr. Andreas Berger, CIC NanoGUENE FranceNanomagnetism, Research Director, CIC Nanoguene, France(All Day: wednesday)

october 2017

01octallday31Nicolas LorenteCSIC and DIPC(All Day)