“Qubit” Art Contest Application

This is the application webpage for the art contest “Qubit”, please follow the instructions below:

Criteria and Guidelines

Main Prize

  • First-round criteria: The initial judging of pieces will be made using the following:
    • Concept: qubits and quantum computing
    • Artistic expression (design composition)
    • Creativity and originality of the depicted theme
  • Final-round criteria: The final round winners will be judged based on the following:
    • Concept: qubits and quantum computing
    • Artistic expression (design composition)
    • Creativity and originality of the depicted theme
    • Overall impression of the art
  • The main prize does not have restrictions on dimensions of the artwork.
  • There are no limitations on the number of entries participants can submit.
  • The judges will evaluate the first-round virtually using the application forms submitted via this webpage.
  • The judges will evaluate the final-round onsite viewing the actual artwork submitted in person by the applicants. International judges may evaluate remotely.

Qubit Streamer YouTube Prize

  • This special category is a people’s choice based on the number of YouTube likes and internal evaluation.
  • Submissions for the YouTube Prize may also be considered for the main prize, however, in that category, it will be judged solely by the Main Prize Criteria.
  • All submitted videos for the Qubit Streamer YouTube Prize must meet the following minimum criteria:
    • Length: 5 minutes maximum
    • Quality: At least Full HD: 1920×1080 pixels
    • Concept: qubits and quantum computing
    • Language: English, English + Korean, or Korean (videos with no language are also welcome)
    • Any submission that does not meet the minimum criteria will be disqualified.
  • First-round criteria: All qualified submissions will be judged using the following:
    • Engaging: do viewers find the content engaging?
    • Priority will be given for bilingual videos
    • Priority for videos that have a storyline.
    • How well the concepts of qubits and quantum computing are explored
    • Overall impression
  • Final-round criteria
    • The winning submission will be based on internal evaluation and the total number of likes received by the deadline within the contest period specific to this award
      • Likes will be counted using the counter provided by YouTube
      • The only videos that will be included in the competition will be posted on the QNSScience YouTube channel.
        Any likes on other YouTube channels will not be counted for the purpose of this prize.
  • Restrictions
    • Participation in the contest is open to all people worldwide who are age 16 and over as of the date of entry.
    • The participant must be the copyright holder of the video. The video should not contain material that violates or infringes any rights of any other party, including but not limited to the copyright, trademark, privacy, publicity, or any other intellectual property rights. The participant is solely liable in any case of infringement.
    • The video should not include inappropriate material, including material that promotes: bigotry, racism, hatred, or harm against any group or individual or promotes discrimination based on race, gender, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, or age.
    • The video cannot promote illegal drugs or firearms, or any activities that may appear unsafe or dangerous, or any particular political agenda or message.
    • The video cannot violate any applicable Terms of Service (or Terms of Use) of YouTube.
      The participant is solely liable for any violations.
    Artwork that does not comply with the Guide or Rules will be disqualified at the discretion of the reviewers.


  1. Deadline: February 29, 2024
  2. Download the attached application form.
  3. All submissions will be automatically applied for the main prize. To apply for the Qubit YouTube prize additionally to the main prize, check the ‘I also apply for the Qubit YouTube Prize’ check box in the application form. Post the video on your personal YouTube channel and submit the link.
  4. Attach a Word(.doc) file, not a scanned copy.
  5. If you are a team, write the representative person’s name first and add tables for the rest of the members.
  6. Fill in the application form and insert the images of the artwork and your signature.
  7. Link to submit the form: The date is over.
  8. Attach the artwork files as attachments separate to the application form.
    • File names should be ‘Your Name_Artwork Title.’
    • Image jpeg files should have a resolution of at least 300 dpi
    • For videos, upload it on your personal YouTube channel and share the link via the application form. It may be ‘unlisted’ (accessed only by the link) or ‘public’ (searchable by anyone).


We will contact you to notify you of the results. We will be receiving your physical artwork at Ewha Womans University after you pass the first round. The location (building and room address) is to be decided.

Contact email: art@qns.science