5 year review report cover (1)

QNS received the highest grade

A key component of IBS is its rigorous review process. The stakes are high since these reviews determine if a center – like QNS - can continue. If centers do not received the highest grade, the centers are placed on remedial plans and even closed.

From the review, QNS received the highest rank in the evaluation. The panels mentioned that "it was easy to give the highest score" to QNS.
We are very proudly announcing the fact.

We also thank stakeholders and related entities who helped QNS grow significantly.

Introduction videos

You can check Full introduction and Short introduction.

Photos of QNS in 2017-2021

You can see a snapshot of how QNS has grown.

QNS Social Media

You can check QNS's activities and pictures from our various social media

Social Media

