Lukas Spree

november, 2020

04nov4:00 pm5:00 pmLukas SpreeLeibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research4:00 pm - 5:00 pm KST ZOOM Application

Event Details

Lukas Spree

Affiliation: Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research, Dresden, Germany

Date: November 4, 2020; 16:00 – 17:00

The seminar will be held online, if you want to join the meeting, please, write to us at


Lanthanide Dimetal fullerenes of the composition Ln2@C80 (Ln=Gd…Er, Y) feature a single electron bond between their metal atoms, which leads to exceptionally stable single molecule magnets. This, however, also makes the isolation of these compounds challenging, because of an unpaired electron located on the fullerene cage, which leads to immediate precipitation in the nonpolar solvents tradi-tionally used in their chromatographic separation. Benzylation of the cage has been shown to stabilize the dimetal fullerenes in nonpolar solvents, leaving the single electron bond, and thus the magnetic properties, intact. Optimization of the isolation procedure to obtain various isomerically pure com-pounds of the composition (Ln1-Ln2)@C80-CH2Ph comprises one part of this work. Additionally, chemical functionalization of the cage with a pyrene labeled linker and the formation of fullerene self-assembled monolayers on graphene and similar surfaces was undertaken. It is shown that the deposi-tion does not impact the magnetic properties of the molecules in a negative way.


(Wednesday) 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm KST


ZOOM Application

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