Postdoctoral Researcher
Massine Kelai
During his Ph.D. at University Paris Cité, Massine studied the thermal-, light-induced, electronic and magnetic properties of Iron(II) spin-crossover molecules deposited on metals, as well as on ferromagnetic surfaces by STM, XAS and XMCD. Among the contributions made during his Ph.D., he showed the modification of the optical absorption band and thermal-induced properties from assembled submonolayer to multilayers of spin-crossover molecules on metallic surfaces i.e. leading to an anomalous switching in the submonolayer range under constant irradiation and change of collective properties of the system as a function of the system size. On bare magnetic substrates (namely cobalt) and by introducing several decoupling layers of copper, he demonstrated the existence of RKKY-type magnetic coupling between the molecules and the magnetic substrate.
At QNS, Massine works in the use of rare-earth atoms and/or rare-earth organometallic molecules as building blocks of quantum computation. To achieve this, it is necessary to understand how to control the spin of atoms and/or molecules in nanostructured environments, and specifically on surfaces. Thanks to the various advanced experiments in the laboratory, namely ESR-STM with high magnetic field and spin sensitivity, he wants to realize quantum coherence manipulation at the nanometric scale, and thus determine which system would be the most suitable one to be used as quantum bit (Qbit). Another important aspect is to characterize the global magnetic properties of these systems using international Synchrotron facilities (SOLEIL, Alba, Pohang). The ultimate goal is to find out which one has the highest degree of performance at low and high temperatures for quantum computation.
At QNS, Massine works in the use of rare-earth atoms and/or rare-earth organometallic molecules as building blocks of quantum computation. To achieve this, it is necessary to understand how to control the spin of atoms and/or molecules in nanostructured environments, and specifically on surfaces. Thanks to the various advanced experiments in the laboratory, namely ESR-STM with high magnetic field and spin sensitivity, he wants to realize quantum coherence manipulation at the nanometric scale, and thus determine which system would be the most suitable one to be used as quantum bit (Qbit). Another important aspect is to characterize the global magnetic properties of these systems using international Synchrotron facilities (SOLEIL, Alba, Pohang). The ultimate goal is to find out which one has the highest degree of performance at low and high temperatures for quantum computation.
"La physique quantique n'est plus une théorie abstraite pour spécialistes. Nous devons désormais l'inclure absolument dans notre éducation et aussi dans notre culture."
- Claude Cohen-Tannoudji
- 2018 - 2022
- PhD in Physics, University Paris Cité, Paris, France
- 2017 - 2018
- MS in International Centre for Fundamental Physics (ICFP), Condensed Matter Track, Ecole Normale Superieure de Paris, Paris, France
- 2015 - 2017
- BS in Fundamental Physics (and First Year Master), Sorbonne University, Paris, France
- 2022 - Current
- Postdoctoral researcher at Center for Quantum Nanoscience(QNS), Institute for Basic Science(IBS), Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea
- 2020
- L. Zhang, Y. Tong, M. Kelai et al., "Anomalous Light‐Induced Spin‐State Switching for Iron (II) Spin‐Crossover Molecules in Direct Contact with Metal Surfaces", Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020, 59, 13341-13346.
- 2021
- M. Kelai et al., "Thermal Bistability of an Ultrathin Film of Iron (II) Spin-Crossover Molecules Directly Adsorbed on a Metal Surface", J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2021, 12, 26, 6152–6158.
- 2021
- M. Kelai et al. "Robust Magnetic Anisotropy of a Monolayer of Hexacoordinate Fe (II) Complexes Assembled on Cu(111)", Inorg. Chem. Front., 2021, 8, 2395-2404.
- 2021
- Y. Tong, M. Kelai et al., "Voltage-Induced Bistability of Single Spin-Crossover Molecules in a Two-Dimensional Monolayer", J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2021, 12, 45, 11029–11034.