Postdoctoral Researcher

Alexina Ollier

During my PhD I studied energy dissipation of 2D materials and quantum systems using an Atomic Force Microscope in a pendulum geometry. The geometry allows to detect very tiny amount of energy dissipation that can be related to some quantum effects. With it I detected single electron charging over quantum dots on a free-standing graphene membrane as well as superlattice induced correlated insulating states and quantum oscillations at specific filling factors on a twisted bilayer graphene at the magic angle twist device. A magnetic tip experiment revealed a doping driven magnetic phase transition on a MoS2 monolayer device.

“Dans la vie, rien n'est à craindre, tout est à comprendre”

- Marie Curie

2019 - 2022
University of Basel, PhD in Nanoscience
2016 - 2018
University of Poitiers, Master Degree in Solid State Physics
2012 - 2016
University of Poitiers, Bachelor Degree in Physics
2023 - Current
Postdoctoral researcher at Center for Quantum Nanoscience(QNS), Institute for Basic Science(IBS), Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea
Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Basel, Switzerland
2019 - 2022
PhD candidate, University of Basel, Switzerland