Soo-hyon Phark receives the 57th Science Day Commemorative Minister's Commendation Award
April 11th, 2024
Congratulations to QNS PI, Soo-hyon Phark, for receiving the 57th Science Day Commemorative Minister's Commendation award for his innovative quantum research. Through his work for IBS Center for Quantum Nanoscience and Ewha Womans University, Phark is recognized for building his own ultra-high vacuum and low-temperature scanning probe microscope and developing an instrument to manipulate the surface of materials at the atomic level used to study molecular magnetism. Phark leads QNS’s ‘quantum control of electron spins on surfaces’ research team and was involved in developing the world's first 'atomic-scale multi-qubit platform', for the paper published in Science on October 2023. This breakthrough earned him this award, which shows how his research plays an important role in the development of quantum computing. QNS is excited for future innovative wins with Soo-hyon!
“I would like to thank QNS for their full support in making this research successful. I would especially like to give the honor of this award to my fellow researchers who worked with me on this project.” - Dr. Soo-hyon Phark, Center for Quantum Nanoscience