Andreas Heinrich
A native of Germany, Heinrich received his PhD in 1998 from the University of Göttingen and then joined the research group of Dr. Donald Eigler at IBM Almaden as a postdoc. Heinrich spent 18 years in IBM Research, which uniquely positioned him to bridge the needs of industrial research and the academic world. Heinrich became a distinguished professor of Ewha Womans University in Seoul, South Korea in August 2016 and started the Center for Quantum Nanoscience (QNS) of the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) in January 2017. QNS is operating several state-of-the-art STM and AFM systems and combines this atomic-scale approach with ensemble-averaging techniques such as x-ray spectroscopy and ensemble ESR with a surface-science focus. These experimental techniques are rounded off with synthetic chemistry and a well-rounded theory team. QNS’s motto is “engineering the quantum future”. On the goal-oriented side, this implies a focus on developing new qubit platforms for quantum computation with spins on surfaces. On the exploratory side of our research agenda, we continue the decades’ long quest of exploring how the world works on the atomic length scale.
- Erwin Schrödinger
- 1998
- PhD in Physics, University of Göttingen, Germany
- 1994
- Masters (Diploma), University of Göttingen, Germany
- 2017 - Current
- Director of Center for Quantum Nanoscience(QNS), Institute for Basic Science(IBS), Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea
- 2016 - Current
- Distinguished Professor at Ewha Womans University
- 2005 - 2016
- Research Staff Member at IBM Almaden, Group leader on scanning probe microscopy and magnetic nanostructures on surfaces
- 2001 - 2004
- Researcher / Engineer at IBM Almaden
- 1999 - 2001
- Post Doc at IBM, Group of Don Eigler
- 2022
- Xue Zhang, Christoph Wolf, Yu Wang, Hervé Aubin, Tobias Bilgeri, Philip Willke, Andreas J. Heinrich, Taeyoung Choi, “Electron spin resonance of single iron phthalocyanine molecules and role of their non-localized spins in magnetic interactions”, Nature Chemistry, 14, 59
- 2021
- Andreas J. Heinrich, William D. Oliver, Lieven M. K. Vandersypen, Arzhang Ardavan, Roberta Sessoli, Daniel Loss, Ania Bleszynski Jayich, Joaquin Fernandez-Rossier, Arne Laucht, Andrea Morello, “Quantum-coherent nanoscience”, Nat. Nanotechnol., 16, 1318-1329
- 2020
- Markus Ternes, Christopher P. Lutz, Andreas J. Heinrich, and Wolf-Dieter Schneider, “Sensing the spin of an individual Ce adatom”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 167202
- 2019
- Magnetic resonance imaging of single atoms on a surface Philip Willke et al., Nature Physics 15, 1005-1010
- 2018
- Hyperfine interaction of individual atoms on a surface Philip Willke et al., Science 362, 6412
- 2017
- Fabian D. Natterer et al., Reading and writing single-atom magnets, Nature 543, 226–228
- 2015
- Susanne Baumann et al. , Electron paramagnetic resonance of individual atoms on a surface, Science 350, pp. 417-420.
- 2012
- Sebastian Loth et al., Bistability in Atomic-Scale Antiferromagnets, Science 335, 6065, pp. 196-199
- 2008
- Markus Ternes et al., The Force Needed to Move an Atom on a Surface, Science 319, 5866, pp. 1066-1069
- 2006
- Cyrus F. Hirjibehedin et al., Spin Coupling in Engineered Atomic Structures, Science 312, 5776, pp. 1021-1024
- 2004
- A. J. Heinrich et al., Single-atom spin-flip spectroscopy, Science 306, 5695, pp. 466-469
- 2002
- A. J. Heinrich et al., Molecule Cascades, Science 298, 5597, pp. 1381-1387
- 2021
- Karl Friedrich Bonhoeffer Lecture Award
- 2020
- The 3rd Heinrich Rohrer Medal -Grand Medal-
- 2019
- Plenary lecture at The 11th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Devices (ICAMD 2019), Jeju, Korea: ‘Quantum Nanoscience: Atoms on Surfaces’
- 2019
- Plenary lecture at the 2019 China National Electron Microscopy, Conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei, China: ‘Quantum Nanoscience: Spins on Surfaces’
- 2019
- A Special Keynote in Honor of the late Prof. Dr. Joachim Güntherodt
- 2019
- Invited talk at the Seoul Forum 2019, Seoul, Korea: ‘From Quantum Nanoscience to ‘The Boy and His Atom’’
- 2018
- Foresight Institute 2018 Feynman Prize – Experimental: For advances in manipulating atoms and small molecules on surfaces and employing them for data storage and computation
- 2018
- Joseph F. Keithley Award from the American Physical Society: For Advances in Measurement Science
- 2017
- Awarded Directorship of the Center for Quantum Nanoscience as part of the Institute for Basic Science
- 2017
- Plenary Lecture at The 50th Annual International Meeting of the ESR Spectroscopy Group of the Royal Society of Chemistry, Oxford: 'Electron Spin Resonance of Singe Atoms on a Surface'
- 2017
- Tutorial Lecture at the 10th International Conference on Advanced Materials: 'The Quantum Science of Atoms on Surfaces'
- 2017
- Plenary Lecture at the Korean Physical Society Fall Meeting: 'The Quantum Properties of Atoms on Surfaces'
- 2016
- Distinguished Fellowship under the Chinese Academy of Science President’s International Fellowship Initiative for 2016
- 2015
- Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science: For the development of scanning tunneling microscope methods to study individual magnetic atoms by spin-excitation spectroscopy and nanosecond pump-probe techniques
- 2014
- Outstanding Technical Achievement Award, IBM: For the creation of the scientific movie ‘A Boy and his Atom’ and the resulting public engagement with IBM basic science research.
- 2014
- Plenary lecture at Dutch Physical Society Meeting, Veldhoven, The Netherlands: ‘A Brief History of Atom Manipulation’.
- 2012
- Fellow of the American Physics Society: For the development of spin excitation spectroscopy and nanosecond STM.
- 2012
- Plenary lecture at International Conference on Nanoscale Science and Technology (ICNT 2012), Paris, France: ‘Quantum or Classic: An atomic-scale perspective on magnetism on surfaces’.
- 2011
- Best of IBM Award (top 100 annual contributors out of 430,000 employees): For Atomic Scale Manipulation and Chemistry on Surfaces
- 2011
- Corporate Award, IBM: For Atomic Scale Manipulation and Chemistry on Surfaces.
- 2011
- Plenary lecture at German Physical Society Meeting, Dresden, Germany: ‘Probing the energetics and dynamics of individual atomic spins on surfaces’.
- 2010
- Outstanding Technical Achievement Award, IBM: For the development of a technique for measuring atomic forces during the manipulation of atoms on surfaces.
- 2010
- Plenary lecture at International Vacuum Congress (IVC 18), Beijing, China: ‘Nanosecond STM and quantum tunneling of magnetization’.
- 2009
- Zhong-Guan Cun Forum at Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences: ‘An atomic-scale look at magnetic nanostructures on surfaces’.
- 2007
- Outstanding Innovation Award, IBM: For the development of a scanning tunneling microscope for the investigation and atomic-scale construction of magnetic nanostructures.
- 2006
- Plenary lecture at California Section of the American Physical Society, Long Beach, CA, USA: ‘Magnetism Revisited on the Atomic Scale’.
- 2005
- Plenary lecture at International Conference on Scanning Probe Microscopy and Related Techniques (SPM’13), Sapporo, Japan: ‘Inelastic STM spectroscopy at Low Temperatures’.
- 2005
- Plenary lecture at 32nd Annual Meeting of Canadian Microscopy Society, Hamilton, Canada: ‘Scanning Tunneling Microscopy’.
- 2003
- Plenary lecture at International Conference on Scanning Probe Microscopy and Related Techniques (SPM’12), Eindhoven, The Netherlands: ‘Molecule Cascades: Concepts and Applications’.
- 2003
- Research Division Award, IBM: For the development of molecule cascades, a novel concept for information processing on the atomic scale.
- 2003
- Plenary lecture at Spring Meeting of German Physical Society, Dresden, Germany: ‘The STM as a Hand in the Nanoworld’.
- 1998
- Feodor Lynen scholarship, the Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation, Germany: Funded postdoctoral research at IBM.