A quantum sensor for atomic-scale electric and magnetic fields

July 25, 2024

Taner Esat, Dmitriy Borodin, Jeongmin Oh, Andreas J. Heinrich, F. Stefan Tautz, Yujeong Bae & Ruslan Temirov

Nature Nanotechnology


In a significant scientific breakthrough, an international research team from Korea's IBS Center for Quantum Nanoscience (QNS) and Germany's Forschungszentrum Jülich developed a quantum sensor capable of detecting minute magnetic fields at the atomic length scale. This pioneering work, recently published in the prestigious journal Nature Nanotechnology, realizes a long-held dream of scientists: an MRI-like tool for quantum materials. The research team utilized the world-leading expertise of bottom up single-molecule fabrication from the Jülich group while conducting experiments at QNS, utilizing the Korean team’s leading-edge instrumentation and methodological know how, to develop the world's smallest quantum sensor.The diameter of an atom is a million times smaller than the thickest human hair. This makes it extremely challenging to visualize and precisely measure physical quantities like electric and magnetic fields emerging from atoms. To sense such weak fields from a single atom, the observing tool must be highly sensitive and as small as the atoms themselves. A quantum sensor is a technology that uses quantum mechanical phenomena such as the spin of an electron or the entanglement of quantum states for precise measurements. Several types of quantum sensors have been developed over the past years. While many quantum sensors are able to sense electric and magnetic fields, it was believed that atomic-scale spatial resolution cannot be mastered simultaneously.


The detection of faint magnetic fields from single-electron and nuclear spins at the atomic scale is a long-standing challenge in physics. While current mobile quantum sensors achieve single-electron spin sensitivity, atomic spatial resolution remains elusive for existing techniques. Here we fabricate a single-molecule quantum sensor at the apex of the metallic tip of a scanning tunnelling microscope by attaching Fe atoms and a PTCDA (3,4,9,10-perylenetetracarboxylic-dianhydride) molecule to the tip apex. We address the molecular spin by electron spin resonance and achieve ~100 neV resolution in energy. In a proof-of-principle experiment, we measure the magnetic and electric dipole fields emanating from a single Fe atom and an Ag dimer on an Ag(111) surface with sub-angstrom spatial resolution. Our method enables atomic-scale quantum sensing experiments of electric and magnetic fields on conducting surfaces and may find applications in the sensing of spin-labelled biomolecules and of spin textures in quantum materials.